I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M

                              Date:     20-Nov-1993 06:19pm EDT
                              From:     William McMahon               
                              Tel No:   614/761-0172 BBS 614/761-1781

    TO:  IN%"thornton@downey.socal.com"
         ( IN%"thornton@downey.socal.com"@GOSIP@MRGATE@ODNVMS )

    Subject: RE: Thanks

    TO: William R. Thornton
    From: Judge William R. McMahon

    Dear Bill,

         Your input into the comments on the proposals of the Ohio 
    Supreme Court Rules amendments were appreciated.  On behalf of 
    the Ohio Supreme Court Rules Committee, the Ohio Supreme Court 
    Technology Advisory Committee and the subcommittees of each that 
    proposed and drafted those rules, we are very pleased to announce 
    that the rules were adopted and became effective on July 1, 1991. 

         The report that you prepared clearly indicated support and 
    encouragement and such comments were primarily responsible for 
    achievement of the passage of the rules amendments.

         Thank you for your participation and concern.

                                 Sincerely yours,

                                 Judge William R. McMahon
                                 Member, Ohio Supreme Court Rules
                                 and Supreme Court Technology
                                 Advisory Committees

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